April 30, 2024
*NEW LOCATION! Starting in July, all sessions will be taking place at The Light & Loss Grief Center located just down the street from Quonset Hut at 3751 Burrshire Dr, Canton, OH 44709.
Quonset Hut is thrilled to promote a transformative monthly wellness series for 2024. Featuring the renowned Juanita Mazzarella, each month brings a unique opportunity to enhance your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. From meditation and self-love to energy healing and communication skills, join us on this incredible journey towards self-discovery and growth.
July 20— Freedom for all begins w knowing we are free within our own selves no matter what is taking place on the outside. As eternal, peaceful souls, we can go within & know the truest nature of our being which is peace. However, along the way, entropy takes over & we become attached to people, places, things…& our own ideas. Attachment creates neediness, but detachment creates FREEDOM. Come celebrate our purest independence for all.
August 17— We are all part of “The Web of Life,” What happens to one of us affects us all, so we want more good, positive & uplifting thoughts & experiences to come our way, right? We will literally experience our Community in a way in which we can see it, touch it, feel it…& walk inside it this month. We will send our intentions out into the world in a powerful way, & watch what returns back to us. Together we will create & play a “New Game,” so you can then create & share it w others when you return home.
September 21—Healthy, functional communication is the key to all relationships, even how we communicate w ourselves. The 3 main causes of upset in our relationships are Undelivered Communication, False Expectation & Thwarted Intention, but we can also open up difficult communications & create a new possibility for healthy, functional communication w ourselves & all others. We can even allow for there to be no communication while sending pure thoughts, honest intentions & good wishes to everyone.
October 19—When we love & approve of ourselves wholeheartedly, an entirely new part of us begins to open up inside for healing to occur. We become grateful for the dark sides, light sides & all the sides of us in between. Instead of feeling fragmented in our thoughts & emotions, we see that we are multi-faceted instead. “ILL”means “I lack love,” so we need to open our hearts up to falling in love w our own authentic selves…beauty marks, warts & all. THIS IS OUR HEALING! We can take off our masks & identify our strengths, while managing our weaknesses. We have then turned over a new & beautiful leaf…& it is OUR LIVES. It is easier than we ever thought possible!
November 16—The month of Thanks & Giving, & we can do this every single day of our lives. As we shift our focus from what is missing, to what we have been given, we become magnetic attractors to more of our truest virtues, values, strengths, & successes. The Universe begins to give to us in amounts greater than we can imagine. Like attracts like. “We can think of life having three dimensions: Being, Doing, & Having. Often we attempt to live our lives backwards. We try to have more money in order to feel we can do more of what we want, so we can be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. We must first be who we really are, then do what we feel guided to do, in order to have what we want.” - Sadhguru
December 14—It’s a wrap!!! This last month of the year is an opportunity for each one of us to share what we’ve gained from these last 12 months of awareness. Then, we visualize & express our new ideas about moving into the New Year, 2025 with the solid support, care & wonder of being part of a Community who loves you. What matters most to you in your life? What would you lay your life on the line for…yourself & others? What is your core possibility for your life, & are you willing to risk everything you know your life to be right now to step into your new inner space? Your new, wild & wonderful life awaits YOU. This my friends is the GIFT YOU GIVE TO YOURSELF this Holiday in the Spirit of “LOVE & WELLBEING for ALL!” Thank you everyone for your participation in this collective experiment. I hope you had some FUN!
January 13—You will be introduced to a simple, practical meditation called Raja Yoga which means Royal Union with the Supreme Soul/God. You will learn to shift anger, lust, greed, attachment, ego into peace, love, wisdom joy, freedom. You will receive Guided Meditations to follow online, a link to a FREE Meditation Class which takes place every Tuesday on Zoom for 1 hour.
February 17—You will receive an easy process to “Loving Yourself” 100% of the time. When we love ourselves deeply & authentically, it becomes easy to emit pure unconditional love from our hearts…w impeccable boundaries. “No one has to change in order for us to love them…We are the ones who have to change.” Our physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual health will receive an upgrade. Remember…ONLY LOVE IS REAL. ❤️
March 16—Sometimes we get stuck in our Mind, Body & Emotions. We will explore opening up this old, contracted energy, & bringing about new, expanded energy moving forward. Using long, stretchy, Power Bands, we will gently embrace what it feels like to safely & easily move into new spaces within ourselves & go beyond our everyday flexibility. Join in the fun as we stretch beyond what we thought was possible, & surprise even ourselves!
April 13—Did you know there are different types of thoughts? When we learn what they are, we have much greater awareness & access into creating better, higher quality thoughts for our lives. Low thought vibrations bring our energy downward, while higher quality thoughts lift us up & make us feel better all the time. Our entire way of being changes, & we begin attracting more good than we could ever imagine including health, wealth & positive relationships. Let’s go beyond our wildest dreams in Spring of 2024!
May 18—We will be grounding, balancing & centering ourselves to Source, to ourselves, & to the Earth w flexibility. Sometimes the process of life unplugs us from our purest sources of energy. We will plug ourselves back in, so our energy begins flowing at full throttle once again. We will fill our 7 energy centers (chakras) to 100% again & extend our energy out to all our surrounding six bodies of energy. We will be “Shakin’ Our Chakras & Soothin’ Our Souls.” Wear your comfy clothes & join in the fun!
June 22—A presentation of the Akashic Record (The Energy of the Soul) will assist participants in a deeper understanding of what it means to be human, & how to live our day-to-day lives in alignment w our Higher Selves. There will be an opportunity for some participants to ask a question of their Guides, & to receive answers in the group setting. The Akashic Record is a high energy frequency which acts as a space holder of all Universal information.
$10 ticket charge for each month’s event, with a cap of 30 participants. Ages 15 and older. Dates are subject to change.
Juanita Mazzarella is a Massage & Energy therapist, & Reader of the Akashic Records. She has appeared on the Oprah Show & is a 30-year breast cancer survivor and meditator. She lives in North Canton, Ohio, & is most grateful to share this year-long program with the community. Namasté
December 10, 2024
November 27, 2024
November 05, 2024
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